Swimming Pool Tiles & Mosaics

Swimming Pool Tiles & Mosaics

Create a backyard oasis with our curated assortment of ceramic, porcelain, glass, and waterline tiles for swimming pools, along with decorative mosaics and pool coping tiles. Complete the look with our complementary outdoor floor tiles.

Read Our Pool Tile Guide» Learn how to choose the best pool tile.

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  1. Altos 1 item
  2. Amalfi 4 items
  3. ArtBlock by Stacy Garcia 15 items
  4. Artisan 1 item
  5. Artwater 3 items
  6. Artwave 3 items
  7. Asian Statuary 1 item
  8. Ava 7 items
  9. Aya 2 items
  10. Bansu 3 items
  11. Bariano 3 items
  12. Basic Travertine 10 items
  13. Bejeweled 2 items
  14. Bimini 4 items
  15. Bond 30 items
  16. Bronx 11 items
  17. Bushwick 4 items
  18. Carrara 1 item
  19. Cavallo 2 items
  20. Chic 2 items
  21. Classic Trevis 8 items
  22. Coastal 1 item
  23. Color One 7 items
  24. DreamStone Calacatta 5 items
  25. DreamStone Carrara 4 items
  26. DreamStone Dolomite 4 items
  27. DreamStone Luminus 1 item
  28. DreamStone Statuario 5 items
  29. Ecliptic 2 items
  30. Eternal 6 items
  31. Fairy Glass 4 items
  32. Flatiron by Angela Harris 20 items
  33. Hewlett 2 items
  34. Jewel Onyx 3 items
  35. Kai 16 items
  36. Kalay 4 items
  37. Kenridge 6 items
  38. Kiln 6 items
  39. Kobe 14 items
  40. Loft Penny 4 items
  41. Lune 6 items
  42. Maddox by Stacy Garcia 2 items
  43. Magico 3 items
  44. Magma 9 items
  45. Marble Tech 23 items
  46. Marley 6 items
  47. Matchstix 3 items
  48. Maya 15 items
  49. Mediterra by Angela Harris 7 items
  50. Microsaic Lines 4 items
  51. Miles 13 items
  52. Minera 6 items
  53. Monroe 1 item
  54. Montrose 4 items
  55. Multistone 1 item
  56. Nature Flagstone 4 items
  57. Nature Flower 5 items
  58. Nature Micro 5 items
  59. Nero Dorato 2 items
  60. New Rock 36 items
  61. Ohana 8 items
  62. Park Hill 16 items
  63. Pergola 12 items
  64. Portrait 37 items
  65. Prints 3 items
  66. Reef 6 items
  67. Riverglass 3 items
  68. Roller 6 items
  69. Rosa Norvegia 1 item
  70. Sabbia Marble 4 items
  71. Saint Remy 8 items
  72. Santo 20 items
  73. Silkwood 5 items
  74. Six Hexagon 5 items
  75. Splash 11 items
  76. Stonework 1 item
  77. Stories 3 items
  78. Suki 4 items
  79. Swim 5 items
  80. Valentina 1 item
  81. Venini 10 items
  82. Wilder by Angela Harris 4 items
  83. ZenTech 12 items
  84. Zoe 3 items
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Create a backyard oasis with our curated assortment of ceramic, porcelain, glass, and waterline tiles for swimming pools, along with decorative mosaics and pool coping tiles. Complete the look with our complementary outdoor floor tiles.

Read Our Pool Tile Guide» Learn how to choose the best pool tile.

Our beautiful collection of swimming pool tiles and mosaics will make your backyard pop. Whether you’re looking for ceramic, porcelain, glass, or waterline tiles you’re going to love our selection. Check out our decorative mosaic options like the Celeste Harbor Fog Glass, or a more traditional swimming pool tile like the Aquatic Ocean Blue Square Glass Tile. If you’re going for more of a spa feel with natural tones you might enjoy our Matchstix Aura White Glass Tile. Bring the feel of ocean water to your backyard oasis with any of our pool tiles and mosaics.